Tracified on SaaS

eTraceability on Blockchain


Connecting your online business is simple.

Tracified is Shopify-integrated and can simply be linked with your online store.

To request for a free trial: email us on

Tracified offers extremely secure and transparent supply chain traceability systems based on blockchain technology

Tell a tale about your product

Your product goes through a number of steps and is handled by a variety of individuals. Showcase your product’s unique journey and tale to show your consumers how much work goes into making it.


Verifiable Certificates

Your product has been made according to product and process specifications, and it has acquired valid certification. You may use Tracified to not only show but also validate the authenticity of certificates. Increase client confidence by laying the time and effort into getting trade certifications.


Boost Customer Confidence

Customers will trust you if you provide them with accurate and reliable traceability information. You may also understand how to develop your product for optimal revenues if you have the capacity to collect consumer feedback.


Learn what your customers care about

To your customer, a mobile app displays traceability statistics, the geographic path of your goods, and the story of your product.

Tracified’s online shop plug-ins allow you to exhibit the traceability of your products to customers at the time of sale in your e-commerce store. To give clients more trust in their purchase decisions.

Tracified Consumer App is now available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Tracified is a highly adaptable platform that can be configured to capture any level of supply chain complexity. This contains master data, batch motions through various phases, and data points etc

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A web-based reporting tool that gives business insights based on master data, traceability data, and transaction data; business administrators may use it to detect bottlenecks, identify areas that require improvement, and communicate with external parties etc.

A web portal which enables flexible configuration and uploading of master data.

Tracified harness blockchain technology for improving the authenticity in all kinds of information showed.

Setting up Tracified with your Shopify webshop

Learn how to sign up with Tracified and connect your Shopify webshop through this video series

1 – Introduction to Tracified Shopify Plugin

3 – Using Tracified Portals

2 – Getting Started

4 – Configuring Tracified Shopify Widget

5 – User Management and Data Collection

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Technical Support

The Tracified support staff  is available 24/7 from the  initial  installation and  configuration of  Tracified for your organization through the generation of intelligent reports.

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Free Demo

We’d be delighted to show you how Tracified works.
Request a free demonstration to walk you through the features and functions.

Offers a 30-day fully featured  free trial for customers to test out Tracified’s features

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